60 Percent Of My Staff Are Women’, Award Winning Triple A Founder On Motherhood And Career

Atong Amos Agook Juac, 33, has established herself as a prominent figure in the East African oil and gas sector. of five has accumulated more than ten years of experience in the oil and gas industry, working in a variety of leadership positions and founding her own crude oil company, the Triple-A Group.

To begin with I am a mother of five children who are all in Kenya. It is quite challenging juggling between work and life because I operate in three countries: Kenya, South Sudan and the UAE. I start my day typically by thanking God then checking my emails, checking crude oil prices and having a sit down with my team to plan for the day. She reckoneed

Tripple A company focuses on environmentally friendly drilling solutions, crude oil trading, and integrated logistics services. Atong believes that women have a unique opportunity and internal momentum to embark on an intrusive energy transition for a sustainable future, hence her immense support and mentorship for women in the industry.

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